Meet with a Psychologist

Receiving a diagnosis of Autism and starting an early intervention program can be very overwhelming for families. Our Play Psychologists can meet with your family to discuss Therapy with your child, and to answer any general questions you may have about starting therapy and PLAY Psychology Services. (Optional & Free 30 min session)

Complete Enrolment forms

Tell us about your child on the Client Information Form

Get to know our services policies on the PLAY Psychology Services Agreement pages

Contact us now to request the forms


Upon receiving your completed forms, we will contact you to arrange a day/time to come to your home and complete a play based developmental assessment with your child.

The assessment (1.5-2 hours) includes activities such as: puzzles, working with blocks, looking at pictures in a book, ball play, puppet play, bubbles, matching and sorting games, colouring, drawing and play dough activities.

The play based assessment allows our Psychologist to see how your child is functioning in each area of their development including: language skills, play skills, fine & gross motor skills, self help skills, attention skills, etc.

From this assessment, your Psychologist can develop an individualised set of goals, learning programs & activities for your child.

Create your child’s learning program

Your Play Psychologist develops an individualised set of PLAY PSYCHOLOGY learning and intervention programs for your child. These are presented in a crisp, easy to use PLAY PSYCHOLOGY folder. These learning and intervention programs can be hired from PLAY PSYCHOLOGY to be used in your home.

Learning Resources

Play Psychology will create for you an individual shopping list of toys + materials to be utilized in the therapy such as: puzzles, blocks, flash cards, colouring books, toys, play dough and other high quality resources that you will require for therapy to take place in your home.
Play Psychology has a large bank of high quality printable resources, flash cards, worksheets and visuals available for our families.

Select Therapy Assistants

Play Psychology refers families to a wide network of private and recommended Therapy Assistants who have been intensively trained through the Play Psychology Intensive Therapist Training Program to implement the intervention programs/activities which the Play Psychologists create/implement for your child.

1st Therapy Session

Your Play Psychologist or Play Program Supervisor(Behavioural Consultant) will run the first therapy session with your child lasting 3 hours. If you choose to have a therapy assistant, they will also attend this first session.

Your Play Psychologist or Play Program Supervisor(Behavioural Consultant) will demonstrate to your therapy assistant/s how to run each of the learning activities/programs in your child’s folder.

After this 1st Therapy session, Intensive Daily Therapy can then begin with your child with your therapy assistant/s.

Play Psychology clients have anywhere between 6 hours of weekly therapy to 15 hours of weekly therapy with a therapy assistant, depending on the child’s needs, funding available and child’s schedule.


A Play Psychologist or Play Program Supervisor (Behavioural Consultant) will come to your home each fortnight. They will spend 2 hours with your child and therapy assistant/s.

These consultations are a time to observe how your child is progressing with the learning activities/programs. As your child acquires skills in therapy and they are ready for new learning and intervention programs, your Play Psychologist or Play Program Supervisor (Behavioural Consultant) will update your child’s Lesson plans and provide you with a wide range of additional PLAY PSYCHOLOGY learning and intervention programs and learning resources which can be hired to be used in your home.

During the Psychology consultations, Therapy assistants are provided with ongoing supervision, professional development, support and training. Recommendations for managing behaviours can be provided, and strategies are provided to solve any learning difficulties.